Freeze Your Bacon Grease

Bacon grease. If you know, you know. If you do not know, bacon grease is another way to add more flavor to your meals.

Freeze Your Bacon Grease

Growing up my mother kept a can on the counter for bacon drippings. She would then throw a dab into many recipes. Now that I’m older, I don’t use bacon drippings as much, but I still wanted a way to use when needed without it spoiling on the counter.

So, I freeze it! 

Simply cook your bacon on the stove top. Once done, pour your grease into a heat proof bowl. Please be careful doing so as grease is very hot!

Allow to cool for about 30 minutes. Do not let it set for too long as it will start to harden. You want your grease to still be liquefied. 

Once cool, spoon or pour your grease into an ice cube tray. I get about 3-5 cubes per pack of bacon depending on how fatty it is.

Put your tray in the freezer until your grease hardens. This takes about an hour.

Remove from the freezer and use a butter knife to pop your grease cubes out. 

Store in a freezer bag or container. Use in recipes like greens, soups or beans. I’ve also added it when sauteeing veggies.

1 cube is about 1 tablespoon of grease. 

You can thank me later!

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