Growing up and even as an adult, Lawry’s seasoning went on just about everything. Or it did until I was diagnosed.
Seasoning Salt
Although it does not contain gluten, Lawry’s contains corn and sugar, two ingredients I avoid. Both ingredients create inflammation and pain in my body, so I had to stop using it. Nothing trumps pain. Nothing.
All the copycat recipes out there for Lawry’s continued to include sugar and corn so I created my own. The main ingredient in my recipe is Real Salt. Not iodized or refined table salt, Real salt!
Real salt is a brand I came across a few years back. Its flavor has that bite like table salt making it a great seasoning for many foods. Refined or table salt has been stripped of its minerals and any health benefits. Real salt is packed full of minerals our bodies crave. It’s the only salt I use.
The next ingredient in my recipe is maple sugar. I don’t really use maple sugar for anything else but invested in some for this recipe and possible future creations. The maple sugar is what takes this recipe to the next level. It’s the perfect amount of sweetness that enhances the outcome of my meals.
All the other seasonings come together and create the perfect all purpose seasoning for many foods and dishes. I also use tapioca starch to prevent clumping and to preserve its shelf life. I’ve found tapioca to be the easiest starch my body can digest. I even found a red capped seasoning bottle on Amazon that helps with nostalgia.

Add all of the following ingredients to an airtight container. Shake until well blended. Use in recipes that call for seasoning salt.
1 C Real salt
1/3 C maple sugar
4 t paprika
2 t ground turmeric
2 t garlic powder
2 t onion powder
2 t tapioca starch