Bread. One of the hardest adjustments when you have celiac disease. Nothing will compare to gluten filled bread. Nothing. A chewy French roll, a golden croissant, Brownberry whole wheat bread, so much to miss.
When I was first diagnosed, I was hopeful and tried all the gluten free brands on the market. Some kind of satisfied that bread need but most missed the mark. The further I got on this journey I learned that even gluten free bread was indigestible or caused other issues. So I stopped trying to find the perfect substitute. It wasn’t worth it to me anymore. I want the real thing or nothing at all.
But I do make this biscuit recipe that fluffs up my meals and gives me some semblance of bread. It’s a soft, basic biscuit that I will eat plain or slice and broil in the oven to make “sandwiches.” It also would be great with soups or dipped in gravies or add other seasonings such as garlic powder for variety.
It’s something. Something that helps me have more options. And it’s satisfying.

Add the following wet ingredients to a large bowl and whisk.
4 eggs
3/4 C extra virgin olive oil
3/4 C almond milk
Next add the dry ingredients and mix well.
3 cups almond flour
1/2 C coconut flour
3 t baking powder
1 t real salt
1/2 t black pepper
Optional – 1/2 t garlic powder
Your batter will thicken and become sticky.
Refrigerate uncovered for 30 minutes.
Then use 1/4 C to scoop your biscuits onto a parchment lined sheet. Press slightly. Your biscuits should be about 1/2 inch thick. Sprinkle with chives.
Bake for 20 minutes at 350° or until the bottoms are golden.
Makes 12-14. Freezes well. Thaw in microwave for 30 seconds to soften or slice in half & broil at 400° 3-5 minutes to crisp.